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"Louisiana, Louisiana"
The following word was given to me on 9-29-2015 while on a 14 day 
fast. This is only a small portion of that word.

Louisiana, return unto me a Prodigal have you went 
astray. The blood of your innocent (abortion) has come up before 

New Orleans will arise again in protest against me; she will riot in 
her streets,

but I will save some like Lot's house out of Sodom. I will 
surely visit the house of Lot (church) and my Salvation will be 
noised abroad.

Cry aloud my people in her midst and I will visit you with my Spirit 
before the sword comes.

Baton Rouge will be in turmoil. Your courts will defend Sodom and 
honor abominable things. 

But I will look to give you another sign 
that you might repent.
The sign of a Governor who will come in exalted, but will be 
humbled. He will turn aside to seek me for much help and his wife 
will I visit with a dream from my Spirit and you will know it.

Storms will come and plagues will fill your sick beds. 

Waters will 
destroy but many will see it and repent.

When you are afflicted call unto me says the LORD and I will heal 
your land and collect the harvest of many prodigals.
Robin Johnson

There is a Revival of Prodigals coming to the churches in Louisiana. 
Even in the midst of much turmoil and troubles. Louisiana pray for 
the revival of the backslider. God is going to send a Harvest in the 
middle of our chaos.


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Robin Johnson

P.O. Box 233

Marksville, LA 71351

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